Communication evolution

Communication evolution

We all accept that communication is changing at a rapid pace, but are we changing with this evolution? Public relations is not what it used to be. The online world has brought new dynamics, possibilities and risks. It has given us all a platform to make our own news...


Words can be powerful or empty, significant or worthless. You can say anything about your company, organisation or brand, but can you back up the words with action and substance? How many times have we read an advertisement that sounds so inviting and draws us to a...
Create strategies you’ll never use

Create strategies you’ll never use

We love working with clients to plan public responses to issues that never gain any publicity! We can spend several hours on strategies that are never used. In fact, these clients are our smartest and best prepared, because they know the value of being in front of an...
When PR can’t help

When PR can’t help

A public relations strategy is vital to promote your brand, protect your reputation and ensure all stakeholders – external and internal – trust you. But trust is not built through words alone. Telling your ‘publics’ how great you are – or...