Not many politicians seem to know the meaning of the word, but humility is an important part of communications.

There are times to be assertive, proud and even aggressive. There are situations when you should defend, boast and congratulate; but good communicators also understand that sometimes, humility is required. A humble nature can break down barriers, draw people to you, soften the impact, make your message more believable, promote sincerity and create trust. Humility is not weakness, nor does it necessarily imply wrongdoing. It is not an admission of defeat or a display of indecisiveness.

Humility says, “it’s not all about me”, “I understand”, “I feel what you are feeling” and in some cases, “I’m sorry”. In times of crisis humility can be a vital factor, whereas arrogance or apathy will usually make a bad situation worse. There is really no downside to being humble – It will make you a better communicator.